Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oh I am eagle :p

Oh yes! I am a lazy blogger. Found this post rusting in my dashboard since past 2 and a half year (17th July 2010) to be precise. Its time now, to give it a go.

One of the things which I still remember fun doing over internet was "Omegle". Of all the boredom whaled, all the joblessness employed, talking to fools and realizing that of all the fools over the world, you alone don't even make a difference.

It was like a new craze around me. Omegle was like a new way of passing time in our class when, 1/16th of the class was still drowned in knowing the Nerst Equation. (DIE! DIE! DIE!)

Possibilities of bumping into stupid people are infinite. Endless. There are just so many idiots on Earth that its hard not to ignore them. There are hot chicks too. But the connection gets cut everytime I stumble upon one. Murphy?

Here are some of the many interesting conversations I had. A few Strangers were idiots. Retards. Like the one in the first chat. And a few were quite the opposite.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: i'll fuck u if u ask me my asl.
Stranger: How did you see me here? My webcam is off
You: no. i can see u from anywhere.
You: i've got abilities.
Stranger: do you have broadband?
Stranger: is that how?
You: i told u i have special abilities.
You: i am gifted.
You: with powers.
Stranger: Are you sure? Maybe you have a Mac? They are pretty good for multimedia stuff I head
Stranger: I guess thats how you can use my webcam
Stranger: when I think its off
You: i can somehow calculate.
You: mentally.
Stranger: Anyhow, can you put Grandma on please, I need to say hi
You: where u are from and where u are even when ur webcam is off.
You: oh.
You: grandma?
You: wait a sec.
You: here she is. Grandma. say hi.
You: hi!
Stranger: Thats not Grandma , it still says "Stranger"
Stranger: stop fooling around Tom, and put Grandma on
You: wait a sec.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi!
You: What if I told you i'm not from Earth but from Zoogoho, a planet almost 6.77 billion light years away.
Stranger : what a coincidence. even i'm not from earth. i'm from mars.
You: great! we're space-mates then.
Stranger: fuck that. lets have sex. i think Zoogohoids and Martians would make cute babies.
Connection asploded.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi!
You: hm.
Stranger: asl?
You: 20/R/warehouse.
Stranger: R?
You: robot. I havent been dispatched yet. just out from the factory.
Stranger: oh. i see.
You: what about u?
Stranger: oh. i'm an hibiscus flower. Your biology professor have just touched my pollen grains.
Connection asploded.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Here is the conversation one of my friend had, we couldnt stop laughing for a second after going through it. real EPIC \m/

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i'm so happy it's finally you.
You: me too =D
Stranger: where have you been all my life
You: looking out for you
You: and here my search ends
Stranger: i just want to make you happy
You: and i make you happy
Stranger: wait
Stranger: i don't like you anymore
Stranger: i don't know how it happened
Stranger: things changed
You: oh, suddenly i realised that too
You: colors r fading
Stranger: yes
Stranger: the world is an awful place
Stranger: and your faults are suddenly so glaring
You: flowers are drying
You: rivers are receding
Stranger: how could i have ever loved you?
You: clouds are tearing
Stranger: mountains are dissolving
You: leaves are falling
Stranger: oceans are drying
You: fishes are crying
Stranger: monkeys are flying
You: was this meant to happen
Stranger: i think it was a necessary experience for us
You: the dark seems darker
Stranger: shadows are longer
You: there s no light
Stranger: every day feels like sunday afternoon
You: will this tunnel end
Stranger: you never loved me
Stranger: you just used me
You: i dont know wat made u think tht
Stranger: something in your embrace... distant, unreachable
Stranger: as though part of you was somewhere else
You: my love was lovelier than love
You: my embrace was tighter than embrace
Stranger: oh god, what have i done? i think still love you
Stranger: take me back, i beg you
You: come in my arms once again
You: and i shall not leave you
You: with me there, i rest assure you, i wont let any jeers come to you
You: if they throw stones, i ll take them
You: if they throw eggs, i ll take them
You: if they throw roses, i ll let them come to you
Stranger: i'm speechless
Stranger: no one has ever talked to me this way before
Stranger: thank you
Stranger: & goodnight
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Now listening

Simple Plan- I'm just a kid (No pads,No helmets,Just balls ALBUM)

Monday, March 11, 2013


She took a long drag of her cigarette. She adjusted her position against the wall and stared out at the night sky. The noise of the occasional train screaming past didn’t seem to bother her.

The sky was bright with stars tonight, she observed. It was pleasant sitting on the platform all on her-

“Do you have another one?”

So much for solitude.

She tilted her face up to see him. He was a tall, stocky guy, with a mop of unruly curls and a shy smile.

She passes him a cigarette and held out the lighter. He took the cigarette, and hesitated for a moment; then sat down beside her and lit it.

“So what’re you doing out here?” He asked after a while.

“Wasting away the prime years of my life,” She said, with a bitter smile.

He gave her a sidelong glance. “…Right.”

“What about you?” She asked.

He shrugged indifferently. “Wanted to get out of the house. Go somewhere, do something different. You know, act on a reel, for once.”

“Oh.” She took a puff of her cigarette.

They sat ensconced in their own thoughts for a moment.

“You know what I hate?” She burst out, suddenly. “I hate uniformity. I hate conforming to the rules of society, to my parent’s idea of who I should be, to my friends’ ideas of how I should act. I hate it all! Why can’t I just be ME??”

He looked slightly startled, but didn’t try to stop her from ranting on.

“What is it with people and wanting to be like everybody else? I mean, WHY?!”

“I, for one, don’t believe in conformity either,” He helpfully replied.

She looked at him and said “Well good! That makes two of us. Now how about the rest of the world?”

He ran his hand through his dark curls and chuckled softly “You teenagers. Always so quick to generalize.” He flicked the ash off his cigarette.

“Hey, as far as the people I know, they all want to be ‘normal,’” She said defensively.

“Yeah, well. There are 6 billion other people out there who you haven’t met as yet. Don’t get so cynical before you’ve tasted anything of the World at Large,” He replied, spreading his hand out in front of him. ”

“Whatever,” She said, settling into a sulk. She butted out her cigarette angrily.

He watched her in amusement, but didn’t say anything. She was riled up enough as it was.

The distant sound of an approaching train interrupted her thoughts- again.

He checked his watch and picked himself up off the floor. “Anyway, kiddo, I gotta run. My ride’s here. We’ll finish this some other time.”

She glanced up at him. “If we meet again, that is.”

“When we meet again,” He corrected her. “The roots of cynicism have already been planted in that young mind, I see,” He said teasingly.

She ignored his rib. “How do you know we’ll meet again?” She said over the noise of the train.

He winked at her. “Oh, we will. Maybe not next week, maybe not next year even, but we shall .”

She smiled and said “See you around…” And realized he hadn’t told her his name yet.

“My name's Alex in case you were wondering,” He called out, as the train screamed into the station.

“I’m Vix” She replied, while he got into the train.

He found himself a seat and gave her one last look. He grinned boyishly and made the peace sign with his hand.

“Bye” she said softly, and she waved goodbye.

As the train started up again, she picked up her backpack and walked out of the station.

Of something new

I was 16 when I started it all.This thing, the blogspot thing I started was only an attempt of me to have fun and be creative (a bit). Of all the things I know, it has been fun to be a lazy and a non-ardent blogger.When I scroll & read down all the gray ink on the dashboard ,hell yeah! it is all fun to be me.

I only have one blog now.
Deleted the rest, in a way.
So read and attain salvation.ASAP.

In an attempt to be me, continues.